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Extravagant Fire

Writer's picture: Sue SinclairSue Sinclair

Have you ever seen the scenes of controlled burning, sometimes also known as prescribed burning?  It often takes places in forest areas to reduce the amount of dead vegetation and to decrease the risk of bushfires that could cause greater damage later on.  The extensive and damaging fires in Australia and Los Angeles are fearsome examples of what can go wrong when wildfires ravage the countryside and destroy everything in their paths.


Controlled fire
Extravagant fire

The controlled burning is all done under supervision to ensure that only what needs to be destroyed is removed and is seen as a positive tool for foresters.  Studies have actually revealed that something is released through these fires that germinates many seeds that have been laying dormant in the ground, sometimes for many years.  The seeds lie there hidden in the ground, full of potential for life, just waiting for the fire to come. 


Once the fire is extinguished, having done its job destroying all the dead wood and rot it makes room for the new life to come.  It is surprising just how quickly the seed bursts into life.  The only way plants like this could have a reliance on fire was for God to have designed them that way from the very beginning. 


I witnessed this first hand several times out in Uganda where the authorities choose to set fire to specific areas.  They do this to burn up the dead and rotting vegetation that is no longer fruitful or purposeful.  If they chose not to carry out these controlled burns there could either be total devastation if a wildfire broke out, or the animals that need the new growth for food would go hungry.


As soon as the fires start, birds of all sizes and breeds gather from miles around.  They come to make the most of the opportunity for the rich pickings of insects that had been breeding in the midst of the rot and decay of the dead vegetation.  As the fire travels, the birds position themselves so close to the edge of the fire.  In fact, I don’t know how they don’t get roasted, but I’m sure they must get their feet scorched!  However, they are an important part of the process of regeneration, as they eat all that could hamper the future new growth. This controlled fire brings life and that is why I believe it is extravagant fire.


In our lives we have seasons when the extravagant fire of God touches us - when it’s the fire of God it is started and controlled by Him.  The good news is that God does not abandon us during these times, but he walks through the fire with us and in fact, sometimes He carries us through. 


Heart on fire
Burning heart

His fire comes, burning up our dead wood and exposing the rot that can be hidden in our lives. Wounded people can so often end up full of bitterness and anger, which can cause more problems, leading to more wounding for them and others.  The rot can develop quickly or over many years when we have not allowed the Lord to cleanse and heal those wounds.  Often, we simply need to come close enough to allow God to pour His love into our lives. 


Sometimes we need to say we are sorry for things we have done wrong that have contributed to us being wounded. This is called repentance and is a very powerful way to deal with the rot.  We might need to do that in person, by a telephone call or through a card, but that is not always possible.  It helps if we say we are sorry to God too! Another powerful and essential tool is forgiveness, as this sets us free and helps us not to keep revisiting the wound.


The bugs and insects that the birds feed on, represent the battle that goes on in our minds. We often hear that little voice that replays what has happened, repeatedly.  Allow the Lord to help you to deal with all those negative thoughts as soon as they come.  Do not brood over what has happened, keep your eyes on the Lord and He will bring you through the fire, even stronger than before.


When we yield to the fire of God, we always experience new life and growth.  Often these times can re-direct the course of our lives, impacting those around us and can even change nations.


A great example of this was in the story of Moses, told throughout the book of Exodus. He was born in Egypt at a dangerous time as Pharaoh had ordered all the Hebrew baby boys to be destroyed. When he was just a few months old, His mother had arranged for him to be hidden in reed beds of the river Nile, to protect him from slaughter.  However, he was found by Pharaoh’s daughter and raised within Pharaoh’s palace.  Years later, when Moses observed the brutality of the Egyptians towards his people, he attempted to bring freedom to them himself.  He ended up killing an Egyptian and running for his life into the desert. Moses was born to lead but he had messed up big style!


Moses could have grown up angry, believing that his real mother had abandoned him.  Even his attempt to bring freedom was despised even by his own people.  He had been living like a Prince in Egypt and now he was left looking after the sheep and the goats in the desert – what a mess!  However, God had not finished with Moses, and many years later God appeared to him in the midst of a burning bush.  His attention was drawn to God by the fire and although feeling totally incapable, he responded to God’s call to lead the Hebrew people into freedom. 


Moses chose to yield to the fire of God.  As a result, instead of leading sheep and goats through the desert, he became one of the greatest leaders ever known.  God used him to bring freedom to a whole nation, through performing the most amazing miracles, from turning the river Nile into blood, to leading the Hebrews as they walked across the Red Sea on dry ground.   Through Moses, God provided food and water for the multitudes but greater than that, he was used to turn a nation back to God and His plans for them.

God's revival fire
A cry for revival

In this season many are finding themselves in the midst of the fire.  This is the extravagant fire of God, and it changes everything it touches!!!! Extravagant fire positions you to be positioned by God to bring powerful breakthroughs and to walk in His favour and anointing.

If you are experiencing this, why not yield to God and He will bring you through with a fresh fire in your belly to carry His presence and His glory... 




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