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prophetic words via Sue Sinclair

CHANGING LANDSCAPE FOR 2025 - Adrienne Mitchell and Sue Sinclair given 31/12/24




Even this year as I smooth out the stones, as I rub off the rough edges; You will see me move more fully. Embrace the sandpaper. Embrace the shaping and the smoothing. Embrace the fitting together. Embrace the fitting of the garments and the mantles. Embrace the reshaping, repositioning and the removing of all that would get in the way of my glory being fully revealed. 


I am taking a brush and sweeping the matchsticks of those who have burnt out. Those who have only had small tinder and they are finished. I have swept them aside because I am calling those who would stand in the flame. I'm calling those who would burn like the burning bush, who would reveal my glory and yet not be destroyed. Those who would be purified by my fire. Who would stand with one another, to wipe away the tears of trial. Who would strengthen the weakened arms and lift up the hands that hang low.  Who would fit their feet with the right shoes. Who would walk together? Who would not have a concern for their own name. Who would not have a concern for their own place. Who would come and stand in the middle of my fire and be transformed to reveal only me.


Sue S


We've been digging for years; we've been working, and we've been toiling.  We've been preparing the way and we've seen some fruit, but we haven't seen what we would love to see. But I really sense a shift that the Lord is bringing in this year.  


I saw what looks like rivers of volcanic fire. You can't control it. You don't know where it's going to break out. I saw this volcanic fire and it was devouring everything in its path.  People couldn't save the buildings and things that were just decaying, dead and dry. 


This is going be a year to follow 2020, when the doors of the Church were shut, and God was doing a work. But not everyone responded and there's still so much of the church that is unrighteous.  Hiding stuff that is still dry, dead and barren but this fiery lava is coming.  


At times it might look like it's stopped, but all of a sudden, it will crack, and it'll break open again and begin to flow.  We can't control it, and we mustn't try to control it. I think we will be surprised by the end of this coming year and how much the landscape has changed.  And that which may have looked really healthy five years ago, actually will be gone. 

I sense God wants us to have the courage to dance on top of the fire!  We will look at it and think we can't do that because we will be burnt. But God is saying we've got to trust him!  We are not the fire that devours, but God wants us to dance on the fire. 


The Lord wants us to go ahead in the worship and to dance on the fire.  This will release the sound, and then when the lava flows, there is another sound. There's a cracking of the ground and there is a stench that goes with it. It is a moving living thing.  It's uncontrollable. 


There is a fresh fire coming on the worship that can't be stuck in a box.  It can't be controlled and there will be an ebb and a flow.  It will go underground and all of a sudden, it'll burst out again. I just see that it is going to be really, really destructive in a healthy way, but it's also going to really change the landscape. 




Yeah, that's exactly what I see - the changing of the landscape.  The way the valleys can be raised up and the mountains lowered. It's about preparing the way.  The mountains are the things that have set themselves up, saying they are ruling, but they are going to come down.  The valleys will be raised up and that change of landscape is just a part of the preparation for His coming.  


Some parts of the landscape of the church are going to be unrecognisable by the end of 2025. It feels like a hard thing, the whole thing about the matchsticks. There is a sweeping away, clearing the way, because some things are just done and finished, and have to be swept aside. 


We need to understand the whole thing of the strength that comes when we are standing together. This is the thing that will see people through, and it will keep us from getting off track.  It will keep us sharp and keep us standing in the Lord together.




It's black and red - those colours are going to be very significant! It's the black of the volcanic lava when it starts to go cold.  It's really obvious to see that it is going cold. Whereas when it's on fire, it's bright vibrant reds, yellows and golds.  It’s easy to see the coldness of the black and the colours of the fire are clear to see as well. People are going to be drawn to the fire.


I see the fire and the volcanic lava just literally pouring over buildings, and there's nothing left. There is not even the burnt-out shell of the building. It's all gone. It's just destroyed, because it was enveloped in the fire. 


Lord, we thank you (that although it is scary, it's not nice and cosy) we can trust you because we just want to live to glorify you in this season.


It's scary because we don't know where that lava is going to flow. Lord, the fire of your love and power that will not allow the church to stay the way it is. Lord, it's your power, Lord, that will move for the sake of those who need to be saved. 


We pray that you will show us, Lord, how to play our part.  Show us how to flow with your fire.  How to dance on the fire and to hear the sound of it, that is different from anything we've ever heard before. 


It's not just about the “new song”.  It's about the sound from heaven God will give us to release, that will instigate the movement of the lava.  It's like God’s power is going to respond to the sound that He has given us to create.  So, we pray for every one of us to hear it and with our spirit so that we will be able to flow with what you're doing, father.




We should not be surprised by earth tremors this year as a sign! 


Since New Years eve we have listened to the lava moving.  It sounds like breaking glass, and we are reminded of the breaking of the glass ceiling.  You can listen to it here

Cavalry horses running through London
Blind spot truck collecting rubble



Like many when I witnessed the sight of the two highly trained horses from the Household Cavalry, running through the centre of London, I paid attention.  The day before we had eaten at “The Running Horses!”  I knew God wanted to speak to us and mobilise us in prayer.  This word is a collaboration from several people.



8.20am seven horses and six soldiers from the Household Calvary (which is the ceremonial face of the regiment) were taking part in a routine exercise.  As they were assembled in the Belgravia area, a builder close by, suddenly dropped heavy rubble from a great height into a Grab Hire wagon, oblivious of the consequences.  On the side of the wagon was large yellow signage “BLIND SPOT TAKE CARE”.


The horses were startled and five of them bolted unseating their riders.  Three Cavalrymen were hospitalised.  Three horses were caught quickly, but two ran for over six miles causing chaos through the streets of centre of London.  The streets had fallen silent as the two horses ran together and reporters commented on how eerie the atmosphere was despite it being rush hour. 


The route they ran was:

  • Chancery Lane = Law

  • Belgrave Square = Embassies and Diplomatic Services

  • Fleet Street = Media 

  • Buckingham Palace Road = Royal family and transport hubs bus and train. 

Later the Defence minister James Cartlidge revealed the names of the two running horses.  The black horse is Quaker = not just a shaking, but a church denomination who pushed for social reform and justice.  The white horse which was covered in blood is Vida = Life (Spanish). 


Running with the horses Jeremiah 12;5 “If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses?”


Whilst the horses were running Big Ben (known as the great clock of Westminster) stopped with the fingers freezing at 9am for more than an hour!  The bells malfunctioned too performing 11 chimes at 10.06am.   Big Ben frozen after 2 years of restoration.  Big Ben then sounded the 11th hour prematurely giving us one hours’ notice!!!




BIG BEN - Was this a response from 22/2/24 when pro-Palestinian activists projected the antisemitic words 'From the river to the sea' on to Big Ben’s Tower?  They did this in full view of dozens of police monitoring a protest outside Parliament. Scotland Yard said the officers could not act because it was 'not a criminal offence'.  This was during a Commons debate in which MPs warned threats from 'Islamist extremists' were stifling democracy.  


In 2017 Prophet Charlie Shamp said, “Keep your eyes upon Big Ben something supernatural is about to be seen. . .  I heard the Lord say, "My eye is upon this land and my hand upon the nation's time, a kairos moment is about to come! I will cause a sign to come from Big Ben that will mark the moment that I have changed the time and season for the nation of England and the city of London. Everything will stop and people will turn to see and hear. Tell my people to mark the moment when it comes to pass, for it will be sign of great change in the land."


Is the 11th Hour speaking to us about awakening the church and releasing the sound, to the urgency of the times.  The story of the virgins in Matthew 25:1–13 comes to mind.

THE HORSES – What happened was a complete disruption to the established control of the Household Cavalry and not at all what is expected from a very senior regiment.  They perform armed reconnaissance, as guards... Spotting where the enemy is at work strategically. 


The streets being empty as the horses ran through reminds us of God’s hand on the situation as he quietened the streets – it could have been so much worse.


As we prayed our CWM Team referred to Revelation 6 and Revelation 19:11-13 “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.  He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.  


Revelation 19:16 “On his robe and on his thigh, he has this name written: king of kings and lord of lords.”


Quaker represents – the black horse in Revelation carrying the scales of justice to shake and expose everything that needs to be brought into the light including within the Church.


Vida was injured and represents - Jesus the rider on the white horse with his robe dipped in blood and that blood dripping as he ran through the streets.  By His blood we are healed and where there has been death, NEW LIFE will come.  The only white horses in the Cavalry are the Trumpeters!  That says so much to us –

Jeremiah 6:16-17 “This is what the Lord says, “Stand at the crossroads and look: ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” But you said, “We will not walk in it.” I appointed watchmen over you and said, “Listen to the sound of the trumpet!” But you said, “We will not listen.”” 

Now the Trumpeters horse is running through the streets of London.  Are we paying attention?  Are we listening?

There will be a shaking and overturning of false powers and control in the LAW, GOVERNMENT & DIPLOMATIC SERVICES, THE MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS, AND TRANSPORT.


Proverbs 21:31 The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.


This is an opportunity the Lord is giving us to be ahead of the game to see and to pray strategically. It's like he has cleared a space in the spiritual realm where he is saying take up your role as the 'rider' with Jesus.  As spiritual guards we can be given the Intel when we ask God.  We are empowered to disarm the enemy and to bring justice and righteousness.

We need to be prepared and choose righteousness.  As we do God will anoint His people with strength to stay the course and not be thrown off or distracted.  We believe this is a wake-up call and an opportunity for God’s people to take up our spiritual authority!  We sense the Lord is saying that He is removing the riders from the ceremonial religious church!!


It’s important not to be afraid but to mobilise the church to pray that maybe God will have mercy and turn the battle at the gates of our nation.


THE BUILDERS - Despite the warning on the wagon – “blind spot take care”, the workman doing his job was oblivious of the impact the rubble would have on the horses, the riders, the chaos started and the problems for all who encountered them!  Whilst the enemy is working the Church is turning a blind eye.  Who is speaking into our blind spots?


Sense the Lord was showing the devastation that often happens when we turn a blind eye as people are discarded and rejected (intentionally or not) from the Church.  The ripples of pain caused for people and their families, the swell of chaos and confusion that is unleashed is horrendous and often we as the Church are oblivious. 


We need our prayers to be precise, the Arrowhead.  Let’s pray for:

  • Repent where we have neglected and rejected people causing great pain and chaos.

  • Repent where we have not worked together.

  • Forgive anyone who has caused us pain or offence.

  • Real loving unity in the Church.

  • Muslims in this nation to be saved.

  • Wisdom for the Government and the Armed forces because we're in an era where potentially we could go to war.

  • Leaders will no longer just be ceremonial. 

Eagles painted by Dave Pennington

Truth and Holiness - 23rd March 24


This eagles was painted by David Pennington at a Loved to Worship event recently.  This is what the Lord showed me.


I see the strong eagle He’s full of righteous anger and His name is “Truth and Holiness.” He’s been released by the Lord who has been watching the body of Christ, God’s Church, descending deeper into sin. He’s coming to expose those who have hidden themselves and don’t think that God has seen what they are doing.

But he’s coming, and his beak is sharp, and his talons are strong. He’s coming and his eyes are on the covering and he’s about to pull it off and bring everything into the light. God’s heart has been breaking as the sin has opened the doors so wide for sickness and affliction to come on the body of Christ in an unprecedented way. It’s as though many snakes have been loosed into the Church causing great affliction.

But the eagle is coming! As he lifts off and exposes, he’s coming to take a vicious hold upon the snakes with his strong talons. He’s lifting them out of the body of Christ that healing can come.

Repentance will lead to restoration of healing and miracles. The consequences of one person’s sin and many people’s sins have been catastrophic but as people begin to recognise that and turn back to God, the eagle is coming to reveal the truth and restore the Church.

Numbers 21:9 “And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.”

God is preparing His beautiful Bride Revelation 22:14-17 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.  Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come! Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.”

DEAL WITH YOU FEAR - 26th December 2023


God is saying I’m calling you to lay down YOUR fear! For I call it your fear, for fear does not come from me. Fear comes from the enemy, but you have chosen to empower it and give it permission to rule and reign in your life. 

The Lord says, often you have allowed fear to keep you in the cave and to hold you back from fulfilling the destiny I created you for.


1. Fear of failure has prevented you from trying new things and breaking through in areas I have called you to. I have given you ideas, and prophetic words but you have put them on the shelf when I have been ready to empower and provide for you.


2. Fear of poverty has hindered you from obeying me when you have not instantly seen the provision in place. I want you to recognise my voice and know that when I call you to do something the provision will be there. “My God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19 AMP)


3. Fear of man has been painful for many. Proverbs 29:25 “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” Some of you have been hurt or offended and chosen instead of forgiving, to literally embrace fear of encountering that person again. God says give them to me!! For I am the God of truth and justice, and I will bring everything that has been hidden into the light. For some, forgiveness and dealing with the fear will bring reconciliation. For others where it is not safe to be in that person’s presence, it will simply bring you peace and healing.


4. Fear of being seen as powerful has caused you to shrink back and wait for someone else to arise when I have called you! Things have been missed because you have not stepped up! It’s not too late for this to be redeemed. Arise for when you do not step into the power and authority I have for you, you leave a void for the enemy to fill. So repent and arise!!! John 1:11-12 “All who receive Him, who believe in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.”


5. Fear of what others will think is a lie of the enemy to keep you small and to keep you from seeing exactly who I have created you to be. For identity crisis is a huge issue in my people. You are not who other people think or say you are, but you are who I say you are. Read my word, listen to me, and let my Holy Spirit fill and shape you.


6. Fear of rejection is a huge issue in my people. Many refuse to listen and obey me because they are afraid of being seen as different from the crowd. I love you, I created you and called you for such a time as this, so walk with me. 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind.”


Every kind of fear needs to go in my beloved son Jesus’ name!! For He paid a heavy price for you to be free and healed. So put your full confidence and trust in me. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11. All that has gone before you was to prepare you to walk with me confidently, clothed in my love and grace.


Repent of partnering with fear and invite the God of peace to fill and empower you for this new era.


CONJOINED HEARTS - 24th March 2023


The Lord gave me a word, about a conjoined heart.  God doesn't want to give us his heart. He wants our hearts to be conjoined with his heart. 


If conjoined twins are born and they are joined at the shoulder or somewhere else, they can be separated normally. But if they have conjoined hearts, it's almost impossible for that baby to be separated.  


I heard the Lord saying He wants us to have conjoined hearts with Him. Because when our heart conjoined with His heart, that means all our hearts are joined as one.  We cannot be against each other. We cannot have bitterness. We cannot have jealousy.  We cannot have anger.  We cannot have hatred.  We cannot have resentment because our heart is conjoined with the heart of God.


The Lord is saying He wants us to come into that place where the blood of Jesus pumps through our conjoined hearts.  Do you want to conjoin your heart with Jesus today?  


John 17:20-23 Jesus prayed: “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.  I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one —  I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”


Just imagine what could happen in the UK if we were truly united? Together as one, with nothing, nothing between us.  Can we join together with the heart of God?  “Then the world will know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you've loved me.” 


Queen Elizabeth died
Queen arrives at St George's Chapel
Crown removed to the altar
Coronation King Charles and Prince of Wales



The Lord said, “You are currently watching a 4-baton race.  The time left for Queen Elizabeth to pass the baton to Prince Charles is very short. There will be such an outpouring of national grief which has never been seen before.  It will be grief at the loss of our Queen but also the grief which has been held back during and regarding covid (the loss of loved ones, businesses, and hope etc). Prince Charles will be overwhelmed by his own grief, both emotionally and physically.


Sadly, there will be a public backlash against the monarchy before Prince Charles is crowned. The backlash is not just about the monarchy but against those perceived to be in authority. There will be a stepping away from many of the Commonwealth nations where the Queen has been Head of State.  Prince Charles will perceive it as personal rejection of him (which it is not!) and his time as Monarch will be very shaky. (We need to pray Prince Charles is not a wounded King).


Prince William is ready, but it will be a very different Monarchy.  Therefore, they will need to change the preparations for Prince George for his future as Monarch.”


Vision – The dove and the olive branch


Whilst in prayer I saw a dove returning to Noah - Genesis 8:11 “When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth.”  The Lord said, “The dove returning to Noah marked the start of a whole new era for mankind.” 


We took a little team to St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle on 18th Aug 2022. The timing was significant as there was a vacuum of leadership within the government between Boris Johnson announcing he was leaving and the election of the new prime Minister due to be announced 5th September.  


We arrived in time to watch the Irish Guards, Changing the Guard with their mascot Seamus the rather large Irish Wolfhound.  We then made our way into St George’s Chapel where we spent time in prayer.  We took an olive branch as the Lord instructed us, symbolic of the new era that is about to be released.


Pray for reconciliation and healing between Prince Harry, Prince William and the rest of the family.


Pray for the younger generation of the public who do not understand the constitutional role of the Monarchy and need to receive a revelation of its role and importance.


Repent where some Christians have been praying Prince Charles out before he's in – causing confusion in the spirit.  Others are saying they are not monarchists, so they pray for the downfall of the monarchy. However, the Bible is clear we should pray FOR people in authority and not judge! 


In 2 Timothy 1:1-4 it states: “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 


Please pray for the future​ that the Monarchy will continue to be aligned with God’s heart spiritually, morally and physically.​  â€‹Any shift in the commonwealth will be orchestrated by the Lord.  BLESS, BLESS, BLESS AND BLESS SOME MORE!


Isaiah 60:1-3 says: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.  Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”

Jeremiah 1:5-10 says: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”  “Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.”  But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.  Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.  Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth.   See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.”


We had a very powerful time in prayer and were blessed to meet with some of the staff who happily received the olive branch.  It was decided that this would be positioned on the altar within one of the side chapels which was about to be opened on Friday 19th August for the first time since the start of the covid restrictions.  The Chapel would be open for communion which makes it even more precious to us.


We look forward to seeing what God does and we ask that you join us all in praying for all those in authority especially in these difficult days.

Sue, Ali and Chris go to pray at St George's Chapel



God is breaking the power of deception and is freshly empowering those who choose to walk in integrity.  Deception always starts like the thin edge of the wedge but increases until it smothers everything, and truth disappears but nobody notices!  


Matthew 24 Jesus tells everyone to watch that they are not deceived even the elect!


Jeremiah 9:5-6 “Friend deceives friend, and no one speaks the truth.”


What is that? Deception

  1. Undermines and causes you to believe you are not who God says you are

    1. God says you are his precious child and that He has a plan and purpose for your life.

    2. Deception says you are an orphan, a victim and you will never be good enough.

    3. God says you are loved and accepted, deception says you are unloved and rejected.

  2. Robs, steals and destroys

  3. Leads you astray, like Adam and Eve who thought they could deceive God and as a result were thrown out of the Garden of Eden.  Ananias and Sapphira died because they thought they could deceive the Disciples.

  4. Misleads, hides the truth, promotes things that are not true

  5. Is fraud and betrays the truth


People don’t know they are being deceived until they have a revelation of the truth.


John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


Ephesians 6:14 “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist.”


God is restoring His power through His truth.  God is looking for those who will live every day and preach His word with integrity.

NEW KEYS - May 2022


God is saying, “Many of you are asking me for new keys for this new season.  But I want to give you something far more precious… I want you to receive new musical keys!  These keys are being released as you abandon and surrender yourself to worship me.  As you worship, I am drawing you, because I love you, I desire your presence and I want you to know that you are welcome in my throne room. 


Just as in music when there is a shift of key, these musical keys will bring a shift that will open new realms of my presence and glory, where you will receive fresh revelation, authority and anointing.  I am looking for those who will come to receive an impartation of my Spirit that will release heaven to earth.  As Joshua knelt in worship before me, the Commander, he received an impartation …then as he and his men walked around Jericho, at the right time they released a sound that brought the walls down!


These new notes are synchronised with my heart and not tuned into the world or it’s religious structures.  These new notes are not the sound of compromise or control, but victorious freedom that only the lovers of God can receive.  The new notes will bring my love to the world in both words and actions.  


The new notes will be carried on the wave of my Spirit as I “Conduct” the symphonic and harmonious sound that will wash over the lost and the broken, opening hearts, minds and ears to the power and joy of the Gospel again.  The new notes will carry my authority and power, to speak and to sing over communities and nations, and see them shift!  Are you ready to come, to receive, to speak and to sing?” 

​​CHASMS - November 2021


Scary, exciting days of adventure, when the impossible will become possible!


The chasm between those who expect to meet with God and do, and those who have forgotten the last time they encountered God is growing wider.  The chasm between much of the Church and the Prophets will grow as many have listened but not heard.  Prophets need to listen to God for new ways of reaching and communicating with the wider church, so they are not left behind unnecessarily.


There will be some incredible and powerful surprise meetings between God and man because of God’s overwhelming love and grace.  However, pride and the lack of humility will increase the divide until they are totally poles apart. One will be left with empty religion and will die an excruciating death whilst the other will move into signs, wonders and miracles as the norm.  The Bride will be humble, holy and experience a fresh dependency upon God.


Deception has increased and will continue to increase where it is not challenged by truth.  It will infect, impact, divide and destroy within families, governments and especially within the Church. Accountability is essential to ensure deception does not come in through your blind spots.  Again, the chasm between those being deceived and everyone else will grow, generated by pride.


Globally the chasm between those within the Church who want to position themselves to be seen to be powerful, and those who are willing to serve God by serving those in power will grow too.  There will be more major upheaval in the political world with those who have been rejected in the UK in the past being repositioned to rule and reign.  Watch this space!


God is stirring things and has removed the hinges from the doors!  There will be many who remain within the walls and refuse to leave the buildings but for those who do there will be an increase of favour, anointing and incredible opportunities.  There will be an openness and honesty not seen for a long time - an openness to the spirit, an honest seeking for God’s sovereignty not man’s empty praise. Yet whilst it may feel unhinged, this part of the church will not be shaken, rather this is a season of fresh anointing for a new level of purity where God’s people will be undeterred and will run the race more freely.  Vigilance, discernment and wisdom is really needed to see what God is doing in people and to understand when people are expecting the Church just to be a “soft touch!”  


There are exciting, resourced adventures ahead for those who obey and put their complete trust in God.  He is calling His people to significant prayer assignments as prophets, watchmen and gatekeepers.  This will ensure we are no longer working in isolation of each other but communicating effectively to mobilise efficient prayer and strategies that will expose the work of the enemy before it comes to fruition.  At the same time God’s protection and miracle working power will be released from heaven to earth to release breakthroughs.


Finally, historically there was a mass slaughter of babies at the birth of both Moses and Jesus.  Now the womb is the most dangerous place in the world.  There is a demonic agenda to destroy those being born in this season, but God has anointed these precious children and they will lead with God’s favour and wisdom upon them.  Many will think they are premature to allow them to lead but God is anointing them to lead and is accelerating them, giving them heavenly knowledge, strategy and boldness.  Where the Church misses what God is doing with these young leaders the world will not!  They will not be hindered by what is impossible in our eyes, but they will be vessels to release heaven to earth by activating what God has deposited within them.



Letting go of the old means more than clearing out of clutter from the last season but transforming our old mindsets.  Many of us have tolerated “Hoarders Disorder” in our lives and ministries leaving us living with excess that interferes with our daily lives.  This often hinders us so we cannot function at the most basic spiritual levels, we are easily confused, lose our direction, clear vision and end up powerless.


There is so much confusion and exhaustion at grass roots; just like when the children of Israel had been walking around the desert for 40 years when actually they should have just gone straight into the Promised Land in just 11 days!


God is saying it is time for the Sons and Daughters, the Mothers and Fathers and not for God’s people to be living like orphans, tolerating poverty mindsets or lifestyles.   It is a real shift back to God’s word, God’s vision, God’s strategies, God’s people, God’s timing, and God’s values to bring heaven to earth.  It’s no good talking about revival, when we need to be revived, infused again with God’s holy presence that transforms us, so we can carry His power and authority to administer and demonstrate His love.


I see explosions of God’s dunamis powerful love being poured out in and through God’s people.  This is especially for those who dare to place everything back on the Altar and minister where God directs, even if it’s outside the walls of the Church.


This is about our legacy!  We’re just in the process of passing the baton on for Liverpool Catalyst to the next generation.  God said, we needed to do that because we have taken it as far as we can.  If we hold on, we would be a stumbling block to it going to another level!  God is challenging people to release things so that He can bring greater fruit or things will move into control and growth will be stunted. 


Flexibility and fluidity will be important to flow with all that God is doing.  It will be important to see things through God’s lens of faith and not our own perceptions of reality.  God will release many suddenlies, you may have been PUSHing on a door for a long time and then suddenly it bursts open.  We will experience doors suddenly opening and we need to be ready, so we don’t miss that opportunity.


Ephesians 6 is really important - Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.  Stand firm, Belt of truth, Breastplate of righteousness, Feet fitted with the gospel shoes of peace.  Shield of faith, Helmet of salvation and Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Abandon ship and board the ship of “Reconciliation and Healing” - 1st December 2020


January 2020 God said, “I am closing the doors of the Church and many will not reopen. Many Leaders will step aside and there will be no shame in that as they are released into their destinies.” God has closed the doors of His Church to call us back to making the main thing the main thing!  However for those who don’t see that they are heading in the wrong direction, there will continue to a breaking and a shaking to awakening.  God is certainly calling His people back to Him.


1st December - I saw a brand-new ship with a sharp pointed bow rather like an arrowhead, beginning to powerfully cut through thick ice covered with crisp spotless white snow. Everywhere was super clean and very bright. Clearly nobody had ever been there before! It was not like the North Pole where there would already be communication systems and explorers tents. This is the territory of the Ancient of Days as in Daniel 7:9 “The Ancient of Days took His throne and His clothing was as white as snow.”


The Lord said, “You cannot wear your old mantles and attire. You need new boots and new clothing or you will contaminate this new place with seeds from the old territory. Your old clothing is impregnated with seeds of unrighteousness, rejection, doubt, deception, pride, seeds of intimidation and manipulation.  It has been like Isaiah 26:18 “We were full term. We pushed and strained, but we gave birth only to wind!  We accomplished nothing and have not brought deliverance into the world, nor its inhabitants new life.”


For this ship is not a cruise ship, a war ship or even a rescue vessel, but this is the ship of “Reconciliation and Healing” that is about to sail the nations. It does not have anyone’s name on it, like the recently launched Sir David Attenborough or the name of a denomination.  This has Jesus name all over it, for Jesus came to reconcile us all to His Father. It is fuelled by Holy Spirit that carries the Father’s love, grace and mercy to those who have not encountered it before. This ship will reach those who have long lost sight of the Church but have been searching to fill the void in their lives. 


You have not been able to reach them because your communication, language and your attire has been from the world and from the old season. Most people have not encountered Jesus but they have encountered the religious world both old and new. They have encountered the cruise ship, the war ship or the rescue vessels but they have struggled to encounter the vessel of “Reconciliation and Healing” where people are truly welcomed into the Father’s arms and find their way home.


For the old vessels are going down as they are not fit for purpose in this season of “Reconciliation and Healing”. I can hear the Lord saying, “Abandon ship! Abandon ship!” You need to be willing to strip off the old mantles and boots, to come to the Lord in naked vulnerability so He can wash you clean. Isaiah 1:18 “Though your sins are as scarlet you shall be as white as snow.”


I saw the Lord first washing and healing His people so they can be reconciled to Him. I saw Father God handing out scrolls to those He could trust, as they had come close and He knew they were holy people of integrity. The scrolls contained maps and directions for the ship of “Reconciliation and Healing” to navigate, with keys to release all the provision to complete the assignments the Ancient of Days was entrusting to His people in this new season.


I could see the waters were no longer cluttered or confusing, simplifying the choice and making it easy for people to encounter the Father’s love, to board the “Reconciliation and Healing”.

Sweeping sin under the carpet
Potter and the clay

15th March 2020.


The Valley of Decision


During a time of worship, I had a vision and I could see many people, in fact multitudes coming, one by one into the valley of decision. Then I began to sing prophetically, “Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” I knew we were poised on the verge of something very powerful.


The Potters Wheel


Next the Lord showed me in a vision, he was violently taking hold of clay and slamming it on to the potter’s wheel. He is reforming us, and He is reforming the Church. He is slamming it on to the potter’s wheel and handling it to remove the bubbles and the impurities. We say, “yes Lord”...but next comes the firing of the pot! If there are impurities in the pot as it goes into the fire it will crack and break. Are we truly willing and prepared for what God is doing to make us fit to be the Bride for His Beloved Son?


Clearing out every sin swept under the carpet


Next I saw a vision of a carpet heaped over so much rubbish that had been getting swept under it for years. Individuals and Churches had been just lifting the edge and sweeping under their sin out of sight and out of mind to enable them to carry on as normal, some for years. I saw Satan standing victorious on the top of it all. He was victorious because individuals and the corporate Church had unknowingly handed their authority over to Satan, because they chose unrighteousness over dealing with their sin. For that’s what it is when we sweep sin under the carpet and turn a blind eye until we become blind to the truth. I saw the Lord giving us all a window of time and a window of love, grace and mercy to lift the rug and deal with the rubbish. In the vision as people began to repent and forgive and deal with their sin, I saw Satan simply standing on the carpet. Then I saw the Lord come and He said he was going to pull the rug from under Satan’s feet! He bent down and violently pulled the rug from under Satan’s feet and once again restored the authority to His people and to His Bride!


Since then, suddenly we all found ourselves in the middle of a global catastrophic pandemic which impacted everyone from the poorest of the poor to Kings, Prime Ministers and people from every walk of life. Almost every nation was infected after the second death was reported in Wuhan, China on 17th January 2020.  It killed people, with people dying isolated from their families and loved ones because of the severity of the infection. Hospitals and national governments were in crisis scrambling for a solution as they watched millions of people doing and surviving with life debilitating symptoms. 


Many businesses collapsed, money markets crashed, weddings were cancelled, funerals limited to immediate family only, people fighting over toilet rolls and non-essential workers being isolated in their homes. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a LOCK DOWN across the UK on 24th March 2020. This was no doubt a state of unprecedented global emergency!

CHOICES - January 2020 


It is important to have clear focus in this season which may mean laying down some of the good things we are involved with.  The reality is we can be distracted away from making the main things God wants us to focus on the main things!  Laying some of these things down will allow us to have a much greater clarity of focus and vision on Godly priorities enabling us to see breakthrough come with greater accuracy, power and anointing from Holy Spirit.  There will then be a tipping of the scales allowing us to make faster progress because we have made some course corrections to align ourselves with God’s plans, creating an increased momentum. It's a case of getting to grips with the real purpose of God, not about how good it looks.  This is about personal and corporate, strategic and kingdom visions which carry momentum, acceleration and multiplication.  Shorter term goals will develop as things shift and change, plus clearer longer-term strategic visions.


2020 is about double portions, double anointing and increased favour which can be very beneficial, but we need to be careful as this can also bring double the damage if we don’t listen to God.   For this has been a season when many false prophets have arisen and will arise and even some of the elect may be deceived!  We need to really ask God to help us to DISCERN as character is essential in these days and not just charisma.


Jeremiah 29:11-13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”  Also, Jeremiah 33:3 God says, “Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come”. We can only enter into this if we are listening to God and He can open up His secrets to us.  We need a fresh reverence for God, as greater the presence of God, greater the accountability required of us.


This will be a season of choosing between religious life with its frustrations or Kingdom life where we allow the King to determine our vision and direction.  This season and decade will see Churches closing down that have no life, in order to make way for those being led by the Spirit of God.  I saw many conferences stopping as so many are geared towards also providing incomes and salaries…many conference organisers sadly will take a hit financially.


The Word and the Spirit flowing together is calling us as Leaders to walk in holiness; are we willing to expose our sin to God’s love, grace, power and mercy, before God sends His judgement to us, as the Church will be judged first!  As we release the Word of God into the atmosphere and allow God’s Spirit to move, we will see God manifest in greater power.


We need to be determined to finish well and to see the harvest come in.  Who and what we align with in this season is critical, as our alignments have great consequences?  It is important to notice who God is disconnecting us from and not to try to reconnect something or to someone, that God is disconnecting.  We need to enlarge our capacity and conquer our fears. 

The Three Shifts - 16th September 2009


16th September 2009 we visited Windsor Castle and at 10.30pm God told us to blow the shofar in St Georges Chapel x 3.


The next day the Lord said, “The eye of the Lord is upon our nation and there are 3 dramatic and huge shiftsto come and as we watched the changing of the guard, He would speak to us.”  We positioned ourselves to watch outside the guardroom by Henry VIII’s gateway as the process of transferring the keys was performed.


The old guard, the new guard and the band were all in position at the same time.  The Lord said, “This is a time of transition when there is a doubling of the watchmen and guard!”  The Guards stood positioned, quiet, listening and alert waiting for the commands and instructions to come.  The Lord asked, “who will issue the command?”  The silence was broken as the Officer with the large base drum (worship) issued the command to bring a shift of officers.  Officers moved around and then the band struck up a song before coming to a silent pause again, alert, listening for the next command.


To our left the public watched shuffling about, talking amongst themselves unaware of the significance of what was playing out before them.  The Lord said, “Many across the Church are like that and have an unhealthy disregard of the transition set before them, of the times and the seasons that we are living in and the urgency of the hour.”


The silence was broken again as the drummer issued the command and this time the Commander from the old guard and the new guard walked to the centre.  They marched together in step, shoulder to shoulder with their swords (the Word) drawn.  Amos 3:3 Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?  The band struck up a song once again and began to march away followed by the old guard, leaving the new guard in position – spot on time! 


I believe the Lord was saying “As a group of nations we are in a time of huge transition.  The old and new guard are both in the same place at the same time.  The old guard is ready to move on or to be moved on to make room for the new.  


The Lord said, “The pages of the history of our nation are about to be turned; the pages have not yet been written that represent the Government, the Monarchy and the Church in that order.  There is a frustration in those positioned to move into place but their timing – although almost upon us is not quite here.  Just like Esther was asked by the King “what would you have me decree for you?”  The Lord is saying “What would you have me write upon the pages of the history of your nations?”  We have an opportunity whilst there is still time to effect what will be written….But there are many spectators who do not perceive the 3 radical shifts coming.


1st shift – The Government


6th May 2010 general election resulted in no clear winner and the Conservatives party had to form a coalition with the Lib-Dem party.  David Cameron and Nick Clegg were forced for a season to walk together shoulder to shoulder for the sake of the nations, even though on many issues they see things from very different perspectives.  A huge and speedy shift has been taking place ever since…some good and some not good!  This has impacted every sphere of government – Central Government, the Civil Service, every Police Authority, Health Authorities, Fire Authorities and Local Authorities.


Multiplication can impact 

Big PUSH (a prayer and worship gathering in Liverpool) December 2010 we took the offering when God said, “take an offering towards the national debt!’  Shortly before we flew out to Uganda in January 2011, I wrote to Prime Minister David Cameron enclosing £400 cheque, saying “if the Prime Minister would receive this seed towards the national debt God would multiply it.”


Whilst in Uganda God multiplied our money twice = enabling us to sow into launching a ministry for marriage and family.  God is in the multiplying business!  In Genesis 1:28 God told Adam and Eve Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]– that doesn’t just mean have children – it means everything that is good we can multiply!


Returning from Uganda we received a letter from the Prime Minister’s office saying that they could not receive the cheque and hoped we could find a good cause to give it to.  It would have been easy to give up…but God had said!  How many of us give up at the first disappointment?


16th March 2011 we visited the Houses of Parliament to meet our MPs and ask them how we could deposit our £400 towards the national debt?  They said there was no system in place for this…


Later the same day we walked into the Treasury and the Holy Spirit came with us…people began to smile and laugh – people don’t usually do that in the Treasury especially the week before the National Budget is announced.  As we walked into the reception area the Holy Spirit began to touch lives and people began to laugh!


We explained that we had come to pay some money off the national debt, and they didn’t know what to do with us – there was no system in place for people to do that!  They began to make some phone calls and sometime later we spoke to Sir Nicholas MacPherson who is the 2nd most powerful British civil servant.  We told him that if the Treasury would receive this money, we believed that God would multiply it.  He told us that this money would have to be shown on the Government budget documents, as it didn’t fit into any other category!  So, our little £400 was shown on the national budget! He sent a young man down to the reception to receive the cheque.  The young man smiled, received the £400 and told us he would arrange for us to receive a note to acknowledge the receipt of the money.  God gave us a prophecy for this young man (a Christian) who was so encouraged!


5 days later the BBC news announced that the Treasury had found £8billion they didn’t know they had!  That’s a multiplication of £20 million!  That’s our God!  He is awesome!  He cares about our nations…News headlines 21 March 2011  - “Budget 2011: Government 'due £8bn windfall”.


A few days after the Budget we received a hand-written note from George Osbourne.  


2nd shift – the Monarchy 


While in London we visited Westminster Abbey to pray for the Royal Family prior to the wedding of Prince William and Katherine.   We prayed at the Shrine of Edward the Confessor where the Archbishop of Canterbury had prayed with the Pope 17th September 2010.  We didn’t know but this was the place where Prince William waited for Katherine to arrive and later where they signed the wedding register.  I was led to read and declare Ezekiel 37 calling for the dry bones of the Government, the Monarchy and the Church to arise as a mighty army.  A very apt scripture given we were surrounded by the bones of so many Kings and members of the Royal Family.  


Around the shrine are the tombs of Henry III, Edward IEdward III and Richard II with his Queen Anne of Bohemia.  Little did we know what God was going to do!


It was a very powerful time as we prayed too for Prince William and Katherine as they prepared for the wedding 29th April – only a few weeks later.  We repented on behalf of the Church that was born out of a desire of Henry IIIV’s desire to get rid of his wife.  We broke any curses, which may have come upon the Royal family and their marriages. We knelt on the ground where Prince William and Katherine would marry and released the blessing of God upon the royal family.  The Royal wedding was amazing!


The shift had begun…Early June 2012 marked the start of Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations 60 years since she became Queen.   


27th June 2012 Queen Elizabeth had a ground-breaking and momentous visit to Northern Ireland.   


2nd June 2013 is 60 years since the Queen’s coronation and July 2013 will see the arrival of Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge’s 1st child and Queen’s 1st Great grandchild who will be 3rd in succession line to the throne.


The 3rd shift has started…the Church!


Early 2012 the Lord told us to pray for the new Archbishop of Canterbury …we had no idea that Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams would not be in post by the end of the year.   The Lord said that the arrival of the new Archbishop of Canterbury would mark the start of the shift in the Church.


In August 2012, an excavation began in a city council car park – a skeleton of dry bones was discovered believed to be King Richard III who died in battle in 1485, 528 YEARS AGO!  4th February 2013 after many months of DNA testing it was announced that the skeleton was indeed King Richard III.  The dry bones of the royal family have certainly arisen!!!!!

Prophetically vehicles = ministry. The Lord said that this was a very prophetic picture where many ministries had come to a stand-still and were no longer moving in alignment with God’s plans and purposes.  The car park was dug up and the bones are being raised.  The spine of the skeleton is a clearly very deformed…God is raising up the Church in this hour and re-aligning the spine giving the Church a strong backbone and a powerful new voice.

The same day as the DNA results were announced - The Rt Rev Justin Welby, 57, took part in a service called “the Confirmation of election” becoming the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury, as the Archbishop of York made his announcement, he called Justin “Justice Portal Welby”.


A portal has certainly been opened and the Church is poised for a major breakthrough of the KINGdom of heaven to earth.


We have seen a shift in the Anglican Church that will impact many nations…11th February 2013 the Pope XVI suddenly and unexpectantly resigned.  The 1st Pope to do this in 600+ years!  That night lightning struck the Vatican – when a heart is out of rhythm electric shock for the brain and the heart to start again in alignment!


The Pope had been listening to God and led by the Holy Spirit.  During his time as Pope he has led the way in repentance for the past sins of the Catholic Church and giving opportunities for those who have been hurt to be healed.  He has made way for a new move of God in and through the Catholic Church.


The magnitude of this shift is bigger than we could have imagined!  These 2 men leaders of the biggest Churches across the planet have both resigned and their replacements will both start within a few days of each other.


This is a season of multiplication and acceleration…lots of suddenlies!  In this season the King, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is coming through the gates looking for those who will partner with Him to serve His purposes.  To be a people who build the Kingdom and not just their ministries or Churches.


Let us give thanks to God!  Let us give Him all the glory!  Let us align ourselves with God’s plans and purposes.

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